Nightclub veterans Danny B and David Stratton's goal to create a green nightspot that minimizes its impact on the environment has found a natural home in the middle of L.A.'s coolest club stretch. Angelenos don't seem to mind that Tokio Lounge was gutted to build this eco-friendly space from the ground up, and Planet Green has already put in their stake by documenting the entire transformation for an Adrian Grenier-hosted episode of "Alter Eco." But why watch on TV what you can visit in real life? Proving that energy-efficient design doesn't mean style-deficient, the spacious lounge has everything from a multi-colored LED lighting system to recycled steel air pressure toilets and, um, waterless urinals.
Ecco Ultra Lounge is open Wed-Sun 7 pm-2 am and is located at 1640 N Cahuenga Blvd in Hollywood. Call (323) 464-2065 or click the title link for more info.
♥ Kan
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