
Lucky Strike lounge and bowling alley (whether you like it or not) is the premiere bowling alley, club, lounge, pool hall, bar, restaurant in Los Angeles. Dine in or wait for friends at the bar, battle nice strangers to the best 2 out of 3 games in pool, or get your elderly shoes and get to it. Experience the energy of the DJ, and exchange winks with the 21+ attractive crowd all while your boo rolls a gutter ball.
I know, I know...the Hollywood location is really congested. But, some of us like congestion and traffic and just looove to be in the scene, plus the Renaissance hotel is conveniently located a couple skips away...just in case...well...who needs a reason? Feeling private or have a fugly date? Have no fear. There's a newer location in Torrance that is a lot less of a hassle on weekends, but the dress code is the same - club rules apply. And if you look like the rowdy type...forgetaboutit. Also, take the time to peruse the art which is showcased online and near the lanes. If you wanna impress your friends (and me), live a little and rent the place out, click the title link for contact info.
~Candice (you better invite me!)

1 comment:

  1. we have 2 have another trip there (game night!)

